Homeschool-Life Guidelines & Posting Etiquette


Homeschool-Life is the platform that SAIL employs to host its internal, members-only website. All members are expected to follow the posting guidelines. Homeschool-Life exists to:

  • Provide key information and pertinent files about the organization to members.
  • Keep members informed of upcoming SAIL activities and events.
  • Host the SAIL calendar and membership directory.
  • Act as a forum for members to share helpful homeschooling tips, information and links, and to ask questions about homeschooling and other relevant topics.
  • Store and present important information for SAIL’s ongoing clubs, teams, and activities.
  • Provide a central location for useful files and links relevant to homeschooling and the broader homeschooling community.

Online Etiquette:

These apply to all communications on Homeschool-Life, email systems, discussion groups, and social media platforms sent to SAIL members and volunteers who are giving of their time to serve the group.

  • Be respectful, kind, and professional. Remember there is a human on the receiving end of your communications.
  • Think before you hit send. If you wouldn’t be comfortable saying the words directly to the live person or group, revise and reread, or reconsider posting.
  • Guard your personal information and share with discretion.
  • Respect the privacy and personal information of others.
  • Remember that your online words are permanently stored.
  • Fact check before posting and post with accuracy and clarity.
  • Write well. Urgency, laziness, and internet slang are bad manners.
  • Observe the participants, content, and tone in groups to gauge the environment for what is appropriate before participating in the conversation.
  • Don’t use ALL CAPS as they are the written equivalent of yelling.
  • Avoid “flaming” – expressing strongly held opinions without restraining emotion.
  • Avoid “spamming” or sending/forwarding messages to a group.
  • Avoid cursing or inflammatory language.
  • Don’t post any material with content that could be deemed offensive or illegal.

General Group Guidelines:

  • Remember that SAIL is an inclusive group. Members hold a wide variety of viewpoints on everything including religion, politics, styles of homeschooling, and reasons for homeschooling. Please do not proselytize or try to convert others to your beliefs.
  • Check the Membership Directory for personal information (email addresses, phone numbers) of members to contact them directly.
  • Member emails are for private use only. Do not copy the SAIL member list to add to your business database. If you would like to advertise a business or opportunity, you may only do so in the Classifieds section of the website.

Specific Posting Rules:

  • Make sure you are posting in the correct forum. Most SAIL and homeschool-related posts should go in the SAIL/Homeschooling category unless there is a more specific category for your post (e.g. Co-op, Curriculum, Gifted). If your post is not directly related to SAIL or homeschooling, please put it in an appropriate category or in Off-Topic Chat.
  • Make sure the subject line of your post accurately describes its content. If the message thread changes subjects, please start a new thread with a new subject line before continuing to post.
  • Scan all messages in a thread before posting in order to avoid making redundant comments.
  • Take personal discussions off of the forum. If your message is directed to a specific person, it should be sent directly to the individual.

Consequences for Misconduct:

  • Minor offenses will receive a polite reminder from a moderator.
  • Serious offenses will receive a notice from the Board, and the poster will be put on moderated status for a period of time determined by the Board.
  • Repeat offenses will result in permanent moderated status or further disciplinary action.
  • In extreme instances, the SAIL Board reserves the right to restrict or revoke posting privileges and SAIL membership without warning.